Summer of Cold
by Tim Kavi
Oh Majestic One!
We are clothed
in majesty
under the sprinkling rays
of a Winter's sun
You are there
giving life to everyone
Oh Goddess!
in the countryside
we are covered
under a patchwork quilt
made warm
by your love
they and I
are tucked
under your wings
where we
yearn for freedom
they think
they will win it
under the sites
of a gun
but I know
those ways
of discontentment
are never done
renew our hearts
sow our faith
break up
the hard icy ground
in our poverty
we are made rich
in those days
of dying harvest
rotting in the fields
there is decay
yet no dearth
of Your Love
in the sweet Earth
so we know
things are not
as they appear
until turning to you
we wait
and hear
change is coming
in Your love
we are already free
but those
waves of discontent
say to many
follow me
Yet I will cling
to your regal robe
daring to look
in your eyes
seeing history
until there is
centered certainty
in the people's cries
taken to flight
as new flags
are unfurled
we see the sight
we have each other
in a blindfold
where will
it be told?
Sweet wife
of compassion
don't punish
us for our woes
just hug us
as we return
in your love
a knowledge grows
to be freed
in dialogue
from death
to life
from contentment
to strife
from suffering
to peace.
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