Saturday, November 20, 2021

The Flying Monks of Walla Walla! (new poem)


The Flying Monks of Walla Walla!
by Tim Kavi

across the purpled
plains they did come
riding on batwings
with cat smiles

minstrels of the sacred
baking bread
in brick ovens
they ate in haste

wires strung
between two cliffs
they did traverse
no need to rehearse

flying loops
gymnasts in motion
they needed no potion
landings were so sure

they climbed
the cliffs of my heart
climbed the soul
of my deepest longings

I wanted to fly with them
but these are skilled steps
they said
so I fled, instead

unwilling to pay the price
really no time
for years of training
just to enjoy their explaining

wisdom speaks
still, some were walking
the rope, a delicate balance
between future's hope

they were
the flying monks
of Walla Walla!
the music fades...

as minstrels applaud
and dance
crowing like Chanticleer!
jest like the joker

revealed in the deck
of cards, luck
brings random dealings
of quantum existence

and luck has brought
these traveling monks
for a diversion
of an hour or two

their flickering images
catching fire borne
juggling implements
while walking across

a gulf, their eyes fixed
on the prize
the other side
of existence

to descend out and down
of the higher place
is a path
every mystic knows

where human darts
await our
descent, buried
in human applause!

so be not surprised
these quantum
lessons, brought by
the flying monks
of Walla Walla!

afterward: the next week, I remained so inspired, that I strung a rope. 
I was born! I began the walk! Thanks be to the monks of Walla Walla! ;-)