Thursday, April 11, 2013

More About Goddesses: The Hindu Goddess Kali (New Essay)

More about Goddesses: The Hindu Goddess Kali
By Tim Kavi
Kali, also known as the Dark Mother, is a ferocious form of the mother goddess which can be quite fearful as well. Those who are devoted to this goddess can form a very deep and intimate bond despite the fearful and intense appearance of this goddess. Kali takes her followers in, assuming the mother role and treating them as her children.

She is one of the first of ten Mahavidyas in the Hindu tradition. Others include Shodashi, Bhuvaneshwari, Tara, Chinnamasta, Bhairavi, Matangi, Dhumavati, Bugala Muki and Kamala. Due to this association, Kali is also known as Adya in her firstborn form. These goddesses represent the ten essential energies that bring about the ten essential insights sought through the main paths of Tantra Yoga. Kali, the first of these goddesses teaches that life seems temporary, but in reality both time and life are endless. Death is merely an illusion that the Kali mantra can be used to overcome. Those that choose to follow this mantra must be willing to give up their attachment to the body. This helps her followers remove the insecurity associated with the first Chakra, or fears located in the primitive brain and brain stem.

Kali is the consort of Lord Shiva, and is often depicted standing on Shiva’s form. Placing her foot on Shiva subdues her anger. Her name translates to “the black one,” referring to the fact that she is an entity that is beyond time. Kali is depicted with black coloring as a contrast to Shiva, symbolizing the time that was created with her manifested in her creation.

The Dark Mother is most well-known for sending the Mother Gauri Shakti to free the other gods from the demonic clutches of Nishumbh and Shumbh when these forces conquered the celestial plane, astral plane and earth, establishing her place as one of the foremost goddesses in Hindu culture.

Poet's Afterword:  At the time of the initial publication of this column in 2013, we are on the eve of the third day of Navratri.  Maa Durga has her nine Avatars during the nine nights of this Hindu festival. On the seventh day of Navratri, it is sometimes viewed as the time of worshiping the Hindu goddess Kali. (In this case, Maa Durga's incarnation as Kali). ~~TK

If you liked this column you will like my eBook Collection, More About Goddesses, even more! You can order it here! Also, don't forget it's simple to view a Kindle ebook on any device with an App (or even in a web browser), the FREE apps for doing so are here.  My kids and I appreciate the support, you see, they need me home, and I'm trying to get there!  Thanks!~~TK


  1. I appreciate ur depth of knowledge on Goddess Kali..ur simple style makes it worth to read..Tim Kavi smiles:)God<3u

    1. Thanks, Adhi! Appreciate your comment and your often appearing smiles! Blessings right back to you! ~~TK
