Wednesday, June 27, 2012

goddess in stone body (new poem)

goddess in stone body
by Tim Kavi

I see you walking
and lanky; standing there

when I looked again
a Gestalt occurred

For I thought
I only saw
a statue bare
but heard a whispered word

starlets had it on film
but you have it all over
the world
the universe
the room

and in the Natural setting
the World is your stage
where your gowns are all the rage

and when I see you
walking down the path
I see only the living goddess
a statue walking

for Her stone images
are in your body
and your body is in her stone
as you move
I feel my heart go with You
following Her
in following You

but in the stone
is not the divinity found
but in your body
enshrined in muscle and bone

the goddess
moves and breathes
and lives
and has Her being

in you,
the Goddess of stone

has found Her body
and found her home.

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