Sunday, December 4, 2022

Of Art, and the Artistic Heart (new poem)


Of Art, and the Artistic Heart

Tim Kavi

a solemn work

there is something to see

I don't know quite yet

what will it be?

but as the notes play on

the fires of inspiration

burning perspiration

show the words that speak

they keep me awake at night

sometimes wrestling with angels

dangling across the abyss

so serious is this?

I am laughing laughing laughing

postwar blisses

on canvases of many

some are blank

and some are puny

but I will damn well say it

on a written page

a flickering screen

a dusty memory

of a forgotten sage

there is a history to be told

but most importantly

a creative burst of energy

as quantum moments unfold

I know what is seen

will be revealed

in the final scene

no longer concealed

a coherent whole

finally uttered

in the words that flowed

now uncluttered

there is only what the art

reveals, sad and contrite

happy and longing for

of words, senses, and bits

of trances

and ecstatic fits

the uttered cannot be brought back

the published is what is said

the last reel

the messy editing room

other words and images on the floor

images await for expressions more

are you a lover

or just a whore?

being or seeming

what's the score?

maybe only the artist will know

for in both cases you are

undressed before the world!

of art, and the artistic heart

of life, and limb

and pounding heart

of kisses in works of love

of meanings in the messages

concealed in stories told

of prophets shaking

peeing in the wind

of actors quaking

before the cameras roll

there is only the revealed

final work expressed

revisions done at last

where all is made manifest

you who imagines

as if an iconoclast

a historical revisionist

of things made past

speak truth if you can

that dialogue will last!

of the two made one

the collapsing waves

of art, and the artistic heart

Oh, be not forgotten

that not for a moment

lost and unbegotten

your words stand sure

it is finally clear

of art, and the artistic heart.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Shooting is Nearing Conclusion on "Kup of Kavi" starring Tim Kavi

Kavi on the set of Kup of Kavi in Rehearsal

Yes, yours truly is being filmed in a documentary-type film that also has comedic elements. I'll be in costume as Kavi the Cowboy, Kavi the retro performer, and Tim Kavi the poet, reading some of my poetry, doing freestyle poems, and spouting mystical jabber!

The shoot has been going on for a couple of weeks now, and it is set to conclude on Saturday, Nov. 12th when we will finish filming on location. It has been a nerve-wracking, yet very fun, experience! Hope you will enjoy the small film when it comes out.  Thanks to TiLu Press, TiLu Film, and Director Ben Lee for making KUP OF KAVI happen. Thanks to the entire crew!

 Outtakes from Kup of Kavi the Movie--will also be coming soon! ~~TK

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Go Not Quietly (new poem)

Go Not Quietly (new poem)

by Tim Kavi

We do not go quietly

into the night

but like bulls in a china shop

there is a great noise

destruction seems predominant

but do not mistake

loudness for anger

for lack of love

or even destructiveness

there are other things

to consider

on the eve of destruction

knowing that gentility

gets little notice

in the many noises of the world

must I speak softly

to get you to wake up

when the fire is burning?

sleeping souls

who says my message

is worthy to wake up to?

I speak the truth

turn to each other

embrace love and change

there is only the upward

striving on a ladder

of existence, to the path

where all sentient

beings make haste

bring it to the next rung

step up. step up

yet the destroying erases

applied like salve

to the wounded

the lost

yea, even the dying

of what is

and shall be

in the becoming

of who you are

called to become

step up step up

into the who

you are called

to become


assurances waxed bold

in the face of tomorrow

fictional juxtapositions

encounter the real, lived out

of existence

your warrior stories

are waiting to be told.

Monday, May 30, 2022

Songbirds (new poem)

Songbirds (new song)
by Tim Kavi

My little songbirds
Fly back to us, every corner and tree,
for we are tired of sad songs.

We long for you to let us be

Yet we await your sacred word
As the flowered gardens
are watered all over the world.

Is there a finish to the whispering whirl

By the sweetest songs ever heard
We are like they are
stretching towards the light.

Yet we long for Nature to bring us back to life

Winter has come and gone
no stories to tell
there is the beckoning herald

no friends do greet you, you flew here alone

the red robin is coming
the whip-poor-will
the blue jay and cardinal

do mock the crow's song

until we sing no song alone
roosting on hearths near home
there is a nesting brood 

yet not all is at is seems

to celebrate Spring song
and Summer song's shrill
there is only the triumph

of my own song to be sung

chasing the currents to new heights
of glorified destiny
canvas unfurled

I long to fly with you
where you have already gone
to warmer climes

no time to dwell on unhappy songs.

artist's afterword: that's the Eastern Whippoorwill in the photo~~TK.
yet another afterword: Two weeks after I posted this poem, a bluebird showed up on my patio fence. The little cutie began chirping. When I went back there and spoke gently, the birdie responded with birdsong, not once, but twice. It was especially touching just after doing this poem!~~TK

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Of All The Times I Miss (new poem)

Of  All The Times I Miss (new poem)

by Tim Kavi 

Of all the times

I miss the most

were moments like this

when running from it

I was overtaken by destiny's kiss

For there was no stopping

the times I so nobly miss

of seeing the light

in my mother's eyes

one last time

of seeing a smile

on my father's lips

as I spoke a rhyme

they are all gone now

but more than memories

are the guiding paths

of meaning and existence

that we must make

by holding a newborn baby

in our arms

of speaking love

to family, to the undenying

Other that we allowed 

in our hearts to make a home

and to sing and hope

for better times

and what we could do

become in love

a certain history

of what we had hoped

of loves never forgot

and loves we make today

of things liked

and esteemed

and walking through

valleys of despair and grief

we find new futures

we have but dreamed.

afterward: to the world with love, there is a future beyond our losses

and grief. There is the sanctuary of hope and the power of love.~~TK

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Goddess in a Garden (The First Day of Spring) (new poem)


Goddess in a Garden

by Tim Kavi

Goddess in a Garden

there she sits!
amidst the plantings
and the nurtured young

the beautiful flowers
and the growing sustenance
that the world needs

for longevity and peace
She stands majestic
glorious Kwan Yin

sitting upon a lotus
I know I saw her there
adorned with green leaves

cushioned by soft earth
tilled and touched by love
by gardener hands complete

there she lies!
every woman in the world
a goddess in a garden.