Saturday, February 9, 2013

'I Know You...Hand in Hand' (new anniversary poem) (Tim Kavi's VALENTINES BE MINE FOR NINE Posting 5)

I Know You...Hand in Hand
by Tim Kavi

special times
are these
moments in a history
that flies past

that says
I love you!
each to the other
from their heart
as that love
is the language
of all words expressed

in the fast lanes
of modern life

as we hold onto something
each other
sometimes that richness
is all we've got

but what richness!
precious find
true gold rush
those that truly love

that love would bring
one from two families
two worlds apart
even across the universe
to join

hand in hand

that looking back now
there is still
the joys of discovery
as we see each other
eye to eye

hearts beat
next to each other
in the living security
of all that is
lived out

hand in hand

gentle whispers
may make the moment
seem less sensational
than it is

but in those whispers
are mighty shouts
declarations of love
that say

I know you!
I love you!
hand in hand

that is the
eternal bread
the lasting truth
and the destined
determination to love

to say
we will turn again
to each other
facing all this life

hand in hand.

Poet's Afterword:  Posting 5 in my VALENTINES BE MINE FOR NINE---is a special anniversary poem. And today (Feb. 9th) is the actual anniversary for two very special people.  Now, the Chinese have a very special concept that symbolizes the union between two people in love, and this is often stated in English as 'hand in hand'. In this case, the narrator of the poem is specifically the husband to the wife; hence the special 'hand in hand' designation towards the wife-- 和老婆手牵手 .


  1. Oh, so beautiful! A very deep and loving poem, walking hand-in-hand with your eternal love. Such a blessing!
    Tim, I have nominated you for the Liebster award. An award to upcoming bloggers who deserve recognition for the great blog-work they are doing. Congratulations!
    You can read about it on my blog:
    Take care!

    1. Hello Sannel: Thank you so much for your words about this poem. Hand in Hand, is surely a special bond. It stretches from the basic feelings whenever we hold hands with someone, all the way to the full symbolic nature of the deep connection it represents. I would also like to thank you for your blog award--the Liebster Award. I am so honored by that. THANK YOU so much, I hope i can live up to it !! Thanks again so much! Bless you too and may much love and hand in hand as well as 'hand in paw' light up your life!~~TK
