Tuesday, August 20, 2013

swirling cosmic dust (new poem)

swirling cosmic dust by tim kavi

swirling nebulas
carry memories they cannot tell
exhorting the ancients
amazing those who look
at every turn

there is a majestic
body every where
in space
balanced like any natural
hegemony, ecosystem precarious
tightrope of existence

stretching as far as
one can see
dropping off the distant
horizon like a ship
disappearing in a journey
faster than light

traveling to meet you;
yet never reaching the end
in galactic dust
we are too far apart so far
to find each other

seems almost impossible
where are the other
beasts in this vast expanse?
why are they not yet seen?
do they not yet exist?
too young to know

what we see, or how they play,
yet we know we will
someday meet them
and they will be as different
as we are; night and day
will bring it in history's making
if we do not extort or push out
and ignore our explorers' heart

please let us look up
there upon starry nights
and never lose sight
of the gloried living
organism reflected in
billions of star lights.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

More About Goddesses: Nike, the Greek Goddess of Victory

More About Goddesses: Nike, The Greek Goddess of Victory
by Tim Kavi
This goddess may be referred to as the winged goddess Victory or Nike in the Greek tradition, or as Victoria in Roman legends. She personifies victory, speed and strength and acts as one of the dominant deities of the panthenon. Victory is also commonly shown as the goddess which oversees battle or peaceful competition. She is commonly shown on Greek coins and artwork that often depicts her with her hand outstretched toward the statue of Athena within the Parthenon. She may be shown with a palm branch, torch or sash, and will frequently wear golden sandals.

In most cases she is depicted with wings and as a close companion to Zeus and Athena. Her wings are typically considered to be those of a swan, though some depictions also show her with eagle wings as Victory was known to tend to eagles. In some cases she is shown with a staff, wreath of victory or riding in her chariot. Nike has no spouse or children. She is always depicted as being quite fit, and tends to be noted for her skills as a charioteer, and swiftness when in flight or running. In some cases she is considered to help with courting, love or childbirth.

Nike was born of Styx and the titan Pallas, though some legends refer to her father as Ares, the God of War. She is the sister of Zelus, Bia and Kratos which represent, zeal, force and strength respectively. Legend has it that Styx brought Nike to Zeus when Zeus was calling for allies to fight in the Titan War, in spite of the fact that Nike was in fact half Titan. She is most commonly depicted as participating in the battle of Titanomachy.

During this battle Victory flew across the battlefields, rewarding any responsible for victory with fame and glory. This is also considered to be her weakness as Nike is rather inconsistent about awarding victory to those who worship her. She was appointed to be the charioteer with her siblings acting as sentinels by the throne of the gods. Aside from such legends, Victory does not have much mythology to call her own.
Sites of Worship and Statues
One of the most well-known statues of Nike was located on the island of Aegean in Greece. This statue is known as Nike of Samothrace, which is now held in the Louvre in Paris. She is also shown many times in the Acropolis in Athens. While the Parthenon in this area is dedicated to Athena who provides skill and wisdom during war, there are many references to Nike here as these goddesses are considered to be close friends. Nike is considered to preside over the temple of the acropolis in Megara.
Victory’s Role Today

Victory or Nike is often depicted on logos and awards including Nike, Inc., the Victory Metal from World War II and the Rolls-Royce logo. But perhaps she is most important to women. She represents a strong female character that ever faithful to her friends, who was both capable of standing alongside her counterparts and rewarding their actions which she finds favorable.

This essay (along with others) is included in my latest essay collection: More About Goddesses! (which you can purchase in the left margin of this blog!)`--TK

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Jungles of Love (New Poem)

Jungles of  Love
by Tim Kavi

burning fire
on my lips
utterances of urgency
I know not what I am saying

my clothes
are torn
all is madness
in the gathering clouds

a storm is coming
death rides it
a horse
of war and pestilence

human made
or not

my stomach
has consumed
an unsweet arsenic roll

ecstatic trances
I have forgotten
the romances
with all this world
has to offer

I starve except
waiting for you
there is no word
except this

turn the ground
break it up
plow the seeds of love
and be not late

for it is planting time
in the fields of the world

break up your heart's
fallow ground
who am I?

no one
but everyone
who fears love has been
lost to the world

someone with a voice 

who longs for love 
to grow again
into a great garden

into a mighty forest
further along it's river
basins, to become
a jungle again

overgrowth of human
and agape love

back from the gardens
feeding the world

so how can I be silent?

oh but to only humbly speak
you dislike me?
I am become unpopular?

I look into your face
and say I care not

a just love
lights my face
if you care only for money
or even for bread

there is yet a richness
a food of plenty
that ignores you
and my skeletal body

only to be an instrument
of love
no more thundering voice
only for a just cause

the gardens of love
growing again in the world
please tell me

you will do your part
lest I die
of a broken heart.

Photo Credit: Parrots Jungle Love by Drinka Mercep

Friday, August 2, 2013

angel seraph (new poem)

angel seraph
by Tim Kavi

angel seraph
your wings
carried me 
to your heart
your love
and celestial view

when on heavenly
wings, above troubles
the humanity of you
your love soared
by your angelic goodness

love adored

angel seraph
your beauty is crystal winged
white, and plumage
so pretty, all winged
creatures fly by
just to see you

when in the songs
praised to your ears
by the birdsong
and human affection
objects of love
celestial flights

no better perfection

angel seraph
none have been observed
by mortal or immortal
more sacred
than any in flight
than the knowing bird 

when going
to the nest of love
and the comforts
of home in might
your goddess shoulders 

protect in darkest night

where gathering
all the young
clothed by nature's care
there is still
a mothering angel
seraph there

when going 
to the mountains
of your love's abode
there is only a calling
to sit on your wings

where I'm never falling

soaring with You
Angel Seraph
over all creation
tended by your love.